Here you will find the top 100 most common Russian words and their meaning. Perfect for you who want to learn Russian super fast!
The full list of the 100 most common Russian words was created to increase your learning and get you to speak the language faster. If you want to accelerate your learning of Russian we strongly recommend the world’s best language app, Mondly. You will be able to have your first conversation in Russian within minutes. Click here to get lifetime access today!
Below down you will find the 100 most common Russian words.
Top 100 Most Common Words in Russian
By learning the 100 most common Russian words your learning will accelerate. Here you will find a full list of basic Russian words. These are the top 100 words in Russian (with meaning) that will make you better at speaking the language.
Number | Russian | in English |
1 | как | as |
2 | Я | I |
3 | его | his |
4 | что | that |
5 | он | he |
6 | было | was |
7 | для | for |
8 | на | on |
9 | являются | are |
10 | с | with |
11 | они | they |
12 | быть | be |
13 | в | at |
14 | один | one |
15 | иметь | have |
16 | это | this |
17 | от | from |
18 | по | by |
19 | горячий | hot |
20 | слово | word |
Russian words
Here you will find a list of common Russian words that are frequently used. Perfect for you who want to learn the Russian language by practicing your vocabulary every day.
Number | Russian | in English |
21 | но | but |
22 | что | what |
23 | некоторые | some |
24 | является | is |
25 | это | it |
26 | вы | you |
27 | или | or |
28 | было | had |
29 | площадь | the |
30 | из | of |
31 | гора | to |
32 | и | and |
33 | основной | a |
34 | взял | in |
35 | мы | we |
36 | может | can |
37 | из | out |
38 | другой | other |
39 | были | were |
40 | который | which |

Best list with Russian words PDF
The best language learners take the Russian word list and daily use the Russian words with meaning (PDF). The 100 most common Russian words are basic and therefore very useful in every conversation.
Number | Russian | in English |
41 | сделать | do |
42 | их | their |
43 | время | time |
44 | если | if |
45 | будет | will |
46 | как | how |
47 | указанный | said |
48 | назад | an |
49 | каждый | each |
50 | сказать | tell |
51 | делает | does |
52 | набор | set |
53 | три | three |
54 | хочу | want |
55 | воздух | air |
56 | хорошо | well |
57 | также | also |
58 | играть | play |
59 | небольшой | small |
60 | конец | end |
100 Most Used Russian Words
Number | Russian | in English |
61 | положить | put |
62 | домой | home |
63 | читать | read |
64 | рука | hand |
65 | порт | port |
66 | большой | large |
67 | заклинание | spell |
68 | добавлять | add |
69 | даже | even |
70 | земля | land |
71 | здесь | here |
72 | должны | must |
73 | большой | big |
74 | высокий | high |
75 | такие | such |
76 | следовать | follow |
77 | акт | act |
78 | почему | why |
79 | спросите | ask |
80 | люди | men |
Find the 100 most used words in Russian
100 words in Russian with meaning – here you will find the most used Russian words. A full vocabulary list of the 100 most common words in Russian can be found below:
Number | Russian | in English |
81 | изменение | change |
82 | пошел | went |
83 | свет | light |
84 | вид | kind |
85 | от | off |
86 | нуждаться | need |
87 | дом | house |
88 | картинка | picture |
89 | пытаться | try |
90 | нам | us |
Most frequent Russian words
Want to learn Russian online? Take a look at the longer list of the most frequent Russian words – the 1000 most common Russian words.
Number | Russian | in English |
91 | снова | again |
92 | животных | animal |
93 | точка | point |
94 | мать | mother |
95 | мир | world |
96 | около | near |
97 | строить | build |
98 | самостоятельно | self |
99 | земля | earth |
100 | отец | father |

What are the most 100 commonly used words in Russian?
What is the most common Russian word?
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