1000MostCommonWords was founded in 2014, and is today one of the biggest language platforms for people who want to learn the most important words in any language. As a popular option for online language learning, 1000MostCommonWords is an international success with hundreds of thousands of language learners visiting us every year.
By using language experts from all over the word we have designed words lists of the most common words used in every language. When you focus on the most spoken words you make sure to learn a new language in the fastest possible way. In fact, statistics show that 85% of ours visitors indicate that they understand more in a conversation in their new language usually within days of using our extensive word lists.
At the core we consider 1000MostCommonWords to be a world-class website to use to learn a new language. Together with over 100 language experts from around the world we have created lists with thousands of words. These are premium lists and you can access them both through iOS and Android or whatever device you use.
Want to contact us? Just send an e-mail to hello@1000mostcommonwords.com and we’ll get back to you shortly.