Japanese Words

Here you will find the top Japanese words to learn. Enjoy!

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Top Japanese words to learn

1000 Most Common Japanese Words

If you are after learning the japanese language superfast then the best strategy is to focus on the most used japanese words. Here are the words that are used in Japan every day.

Cute Japanese Words

In Japan there are a lot of cute words people use every day. They sound wonderful in your mouth and always makes you smile. Here you will find a list of the top cute words used in japanese.

Japanese Words for Love

Love and Japan goes hand in hand. Here you will learn a lot of words to use when you talk with love to family members and loved ones. Just open up your heart and let the energy flow.

Beautiful Japanese Words

Japan is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, and so they have also developed some of the most beautiful words there is. So please take a look here at the words that sound lovely when you pronounce them.