Here you will find all the top Japanese words for love.
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Number | Japanese Words for Love | in English |
1 | 愛らしい | adorable |
2 | すごい | amazing |
3 | 天使 | angel |
4 | ベイブ | babe |
5 | ボー | beau |
6 | 綺麗な | beautiful |
7 | 愛されし者 | beloved |
8 | より良い半分 | better half |
9 | 君にくびったけ | crazy for you |
10 | 最愛の人 | darling |
11 | 最愛の人 | dearest |
12 | 魅惑的 | enchanting |
13 | 友達と恋人 | friend and lover |
14 | ゴージャス | gorgeous |
15 | ハンサム | handsome |
16 | 天 | heavenly |
17 | はちみつ | honey |
18 | 生活変化 | life-changing |
19 | メインスクイーズ | main squeeze |
20 | 私の全て | my everything |
21 | パラモア | paramour |
22 | 恋人 | sweetheart |
23 | 甘いもの | sweetie |
24 | 気絶 | swoon |
25 | 素晴らしい | wonderful |
26 | 崇拝します | adore |
27 | 賞賛する | admire |
28 | お手入れ | care |
29 | 大切にする | cherish |
30 | 選択 | choose |
31 | 空想 | daydream |
32 | 喜び | delight |
33 | 夢 | dream |
34 | 必要 | need |
35 | 賞 | prize |
36 | 宝 | treasure |
37 | 値 | value |
38 | 欲しいです | want |
39 | 崇拝 | worship |
40 | 憧れ | yearn |
Love may be the same everywhere but how we engage is diverse as all get out. How we speak to one another — how we express affection — makes all the difference in the world. The Japanese have an expansive range of Japanese words for love.
The Japanese don’t really use pet names like “sweetheart.” But they have many ways to tell each other how much they care. Should you find yourself needing to share romantic moments with a member of Japanese culture but don’t speak the language, here are seven Japanese phrases of love to share.
Top Japanese words for love
(1) 好き!– Suki! (I like you!)
It is not uncommon to be direct when it comes to Japanese words for love. It’s traditionally accepted that we Americans explore before admitting how we feel. The Japanese are more likely to come out and tell you. The expression is more polite and acceptable when it’s only the two of you.
(2) デートに行こう!/ 遊びに行こう!– De-to ni Ikou! / Asobi ni Ikou! (Let’s hang out! / Let’s go out for a date!)
It’s time to take the relationship to the next stage. Requesting time alone together or even an understanding you’ll be a couple within a group shortens the distance between you and your hope-to-be significant other.
(3) 二人で行こう!– Futari de Ikou! (Let’s go together.)
In the most traditional Japanese relationship, it’s unlikely you’ll ever be alone with a woman, as tradition calls for an escort. But whether or not this is the case, these Japanese words for love mean you want alone time. This phrase can apply to the two of you or a place you want to be.
(4) Using First Names
Even the best of friends — especially older Japanese adults — may refer to each other formally. This culture uses surnames, but with san at the end (Smith-san). Calling someone by their first name clearly indicates you’re close, especially if you’re romantically involved.
(5) 一緒にいるとほっとする/安心する – Issho ni Iru to Hotto suru/Anshin Suru. (I feel safe when I’m with you.)
Letting someone know they bring your life comfort and safety can change how you see each other. It will certainly affect how you’ll see each other from that moment forward. The words enrich the idea that you mean something to our day-to-day existence.
(6) 大事にしたい。– Daiji ni Shitai (I treasure you.)
Telling a person how much you mean to them changes everything. Treasuring someone is an incredible feeling, and one of the most important emotional shares you can offer. You protect a treasure, you cherish it. You want to hold onto a treasure for as long you can.
(7) 愛してる。– Aishiteru (I love you.)
This phrase is specifically intended for use in romantic circles. It’s not for use with friends, family or colleagues who saved you a lot of work. It has to be used with care and with full understanding of how the recipient perceives the words. It means plain and simple you’re head over heels. And you’re ready to solidify your connection in some way.
Good communication makes for good relationships. Use these Japanese words for love to cross divides and grow love.