Learn Japanese

Learn Japanese online in a fun and effective way! To be fluent in speaking and reading Japanese is easier than you think. Learn Japanese faster than ever before!

Have you ever wanted to master the Japanese language in a fast and easy way? It is possible! With practical exercises you will be guided through real-life situations and effectively learn Japanese. Click here to start speaking Japanese today!

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  • OVER 80 MILLON PEOPLE have started speaking Japanese with Mondly in over 190 countries.

  • 2000 DAILY LESSONS in Japanese for constant improvement.

  • GAME-BASED LEARNING – Quickly pick up useful Japanese phrases – Challenging games makes the words stick.

Man learning Japanese language and vocabulary
Girl learning Japanese grammar, pronounciation and also Japanese speaking

Learn Japanese

About Japanese

Japanese, or Nihongo as it’s known in its native tongue, is an East Asian language spoken by about 128 million people primarily in Japan, making it one of the world’s major languages. Synonyms for Japanese include Nihongo, while alternative words often refer to its dialects, such as Kansai-ben, Hokkaido-ben, and Okinawan. As a language rich in history and culture, learning Japanese offers a gateway into Japan’s unique blend of traditional and modern life.

Learn Japanese online

Learning Japanese online presents numerous advantages that cater to the needs of modern learners. Here are the three best reasons to embrace this approach:

  • Accessibility: Learning Japanese online provides the flexibility to study from anywhere at any time, breaking down geographical and scheduling barriers.
  • Interactive Resources: Online platforms offer a variety of interactive learning tools, such as games, videos, and quizzes, making the study of Japanese engaging and effective.
  • Cultural Immersion: Digital resources can simulate immersive experiences, allowing learners to explore Japanese culture, practices, and nuances directly from their devices.

How can I learn Japanese?

There are several avenues to learn Japanese effectively, catering to different learning styles and preferences:

  • Self-study: Utilize textbooks, online courses, and language learning apps to study Japanese at your own pace. This method allows for flexibility and self-directed learning.
  • Language Partners: Engaging with native speakers through language exchange platforms can enhance conversational skills and offer practical experience.

Where can I learn Japanese?

For beginners, one of the most effective platforms is Mondly, a company specializing in online language learning. Here’s why Mondly stands out for learning Japanese:

  • Interactive Lessons: Mondly employs gamification and interactive lessons to make learning Japanese fun and effective.
  • Voice Recognition: Advanced voice recognition technology helps learners improve their Japanese pronunciation, ensuring they speak like a native.
  • Personalized Learning Paths: Mondly tailors lessons to the learner’s level and interests, making the study of Japanese highly relevant and engaging.

How do I speak Japanese?

To learn how to speak Japanese effectively, consider these strategies:

  • Practice Regularly: Consistent practice with native speakers or through language exchange apps can significantly improve fluency.
  • Listen and Repeat: Engage with Japanese media, such as songs, movies, and podcasts, to develop an ear for the language and practice pronunciation.

How long does it take to learn Japanese?

The time it takes to learn Japanese varies significantly depending on several factors, including the learner’s native language, the intensity of study, and exposure to the language. Generally:

  • For English Speakers: Japanese is considered one of the more challenging languages due to its complex writing systems and syntax. However, with dedicated study, reaching conversational fluency can take anywhere from one to two years.
  • Consistent Practice: Regular engagement with the language through speaking, listening, reading, and writing is crucial for progress.
In computer, way to learn Japanese. We will help you learn and talk as native speakers with Japanese words.
Together we can learn the best Japanese words through Japanese courses and with teachers.
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  • OVER 80 MILLON PEOPLE have started speaking Japanese with Mondly in over 190 countries.

  • 2000 DAILY LESSONS in Japanese for constant improvement.

  • GAME-BASED LEARNING – Quickly pick up useful Japanese phrases – Challenging games makes the words stick.

Together with friends you can use your brain to learn Japanese and vocabulary through our app, video and a good lesson with questions.
Great teacher in Japanese will teach you how you can get success by reading and proper pronunciation.

Here are the most common questions people have:

  • How can I learn Japanese by myself?
  • How can I learn Japanese for free?
  • Can I learn Japanese 6 months?
  • What are the 5 tips to learn Japanese?
  • Can I learn Japanese 30 days?
  • How can I learn Japanese within 30 days?
  • Can a 40 year old learn Japanese?
  • What is the best age to learn Japanese?
  • What is the first step to learn Japanese?
  • What are 4 important skills to learn Japanese?
  • How many hours does it take to learn Japanese fluently?
  • How long does it take to learn Japanese 1 hour a day?
  • How many years does it take to learn Japanese?
  • What is the cost to learn Japanese?
  • How can I learn Japanese at home?
  • Can I learn Japanese in 2 months?
  • What is the best age to learn Japanese?

People will learn listening through lessons
A teacher will improve your Japanese
A good teacher will from day 1 teach you Japanese through the computer or app
Learning Japanese with the right level to get a proper boost is easy for students.
Our teacher will teach you how to speak Japanese fast.
Join our course in Japanese for free to learn to talk, listen, understand and speak Japanese easy.
Good teachers teach you Japanese phrases and language
The teacher will learn you how to study words and Japanese grammar.
Learners of Japanese will see progress in the basics very fast - both in the alphabet and also writing.
Find many exercises to learn how to remember Japanese words fast and for a long time.
Learning Japanese for daily life and with native speakers is possible with us

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