Here you will find the top Spanish words for food.
Number | Spanish | in English |
1 | sangre naranja | blood orange |
2 | arándano | blueberry |
3 | hervir | boil |
4 | cuenco | bowl |
5 | arándano | boysenberry |
6 | salvado | bran |
7 | pan de molde | bread |
8 | panapen | breadfruit |
9 | desayuno | breakfast |
10 | falda | brisket |
11 | brócoli | broccoli |
12 | asar | broil |
13 | arroz integral | brown rice |
14 | duende | brownie |
15 | desayuno tardío | brunch |
16 | coles de Bruselas | Brussels sprouts |
17 | alforfón | buckwheat |
18 | bollos | buns |
19 | burrito | burrito |
20 | mantequilla | butter |
21 | frijol mantequilla | butter bean |
22 | pastel | cake |
23 | caloría | calorie |
24 | dulce | candy |
25 | caramelo de manzana | candy apple |
26 | Cantalupo | cantaloupe |
27 | alcaparras | capers |
28 | caramelo | caramel |
29 | manzana de caramelo | caramel apple |
30 | carbohidrato | carbohydrate |
31 | Zanahoria | carrot |
32 | anacardo | cashew |
33 | mandioca | cassava |
34 | cazuela | casserole |
35 | abastecer | cater |
36 | coliflor | cauliflower |
37 | caviar | caviar |
38 | pimienta de cayena | cayenne pepper |
39 | apio | celery |
40 | cereal | cereal |
41 | acelga | chard |
42 | queso Cheddar | cheddar |
43 | queso | cheese |
44 | tarta de queso | cheesecake |
45 | cocinero | chef |
46 | Cereza | cherry |
47 | masticar | chew |
48 | garbanzos | chick peas |
49 | pollo | chicken |
50 | chile | chili |
51 | papas fritas | chips |
52 | cebollín | chives |
53 | chocolate | chocolate |
54 | palillos | chopsticks |
55 | perro chino | chow |
56 | chatney | chutney |
57 | cilantro | cilantro |
58 | canela | cinnamon |
59 | cidra | citron |
60 | agrios | citrus |
61 | almeja | clam |
62 | clavos de olor | cloves |
63 | zapatero | cobbler |
64 | Coco | coconut |
65 | bacalao | cod |
66 | café | coffee |
67 | Ensalada de col | coleslaw |
68 | hojas de berza | collard greens |
69 | comestibles | comestibles |
70 | cocinar | cook |
71 | libro de cocina | cookbook |
72 | Galleta | cookie |
73 | maíz | corn |
74 | copos de maíz | cornflakes |
75 | harina de maíz | cornmeal |
76 | queso cottage | cottage cheese |
77 | cangrejo | crab |
78 | galletas | crackers |
79 | arándano | cranberry |
80 | crema | cream |
81 | queso crema | cream cheese |
82 | crepe | crepe |
83 | crujiente | crisp |
84 | crujido | crunch |
85 | corteza | crust |
86 | Pepino | cucumber |
87 | cocina | cuisine |
88 | alacena | cupboard |
89 | magdalena | cupcake |
90 | Cuajada | curds |
91 | grosellas | currants |
92 | curry | curry |
93 | lactoso | custard |
94 | daikon | daikon |
95 | pan de cada dia | daily bread |
96 | lechería | dairy |
97 | dientes de leon | dandelion greens |
98 | pasteles daneses | Danish pastry |
99 | fechas | dates |
100 | postre | dessert |
101 | dieta | diet |
102 | digerir | digest |
103 | sistema digestivo | digestive system |
104 | eneldo | dill |
105 | cenar | dine |
106 | cena | diner |
107 | cena | dinner |
108 | inmersión | dip |
109 | plato | dish |
110 | masa | dough |
111 | rosquilla | doughnut |
112 | Dragon de fruta | dragonfruit |
113 | vendaje | dressing |
114 | seco | dried |
115 | beber | drink |
116 | seco | dry |
117 | Durian | durian |
118 | comer | eat |
119 | Queso edam | Edam cheese |
120 | comestible | edible |
121 | huevo | egg |
122 | berenjena | eggplant |
123 | saúco | elderberry |
124 | endibia | endive |
125 | entrada | entree |
126 | rápido | fast |
127 | grasa | fat |
128 | habas | fava beans |
129 | banquete | feast |
130 | alimentado | fed |
131 | alimentar | feed |
132 | hinojo | fennel |
133 | higo | fig |
134 | filete | fillet |
135 | fuego | fire |
136 | pez | fish |
137 | Flan | flan |
138 | linaza | flax |
139 | harina | flour |
140 | comida | food |
141 | pirámide alimenticia | food pyramid |
142 | alimentos | foodstuffs |
143 | tenedor | fork |
144 | congelador | freezer |
145 | papas fritas | French fries |
146 | frito | fried |
147 | buñuelo | fritter |
148 | Crema | frosting |
149 | Fruta | fruit |
150 | freír | fry |
151 | ajo | garlic |
152 | gastronomía | gastronomy |
153 | gelatina | gelatin |
154 | jengibre | ginger |
155 | refresco de gengibre | ginger ale |
156 | pan de jengibre | gingerbread |
157 | gafas | glasses |
158 | Queso gouda | Gouda cheese |
159 | grano | grain |
160 | Granola | granola |
161 | uva | grape |
162 | pomelo | grapefruit |
163 | rallado | grated |
164 | salsa | gravy |
165 | judías verdes | green bean |
166 | té verde | green tea |
167 | verduras | greens |
168 | comida | grub |
169 | guacamole | guacamole |
170 | guayaba | guava |
171 | giroscopio | gyro |
172 | Hipogloso | halibut |
173 | jamón | ham |
174 | hamburguesa | hamburger |
175 | picadillo | hash |
176 | avellana | hazelnut |
177 | hierbas | herbs |
178 | miel | honey |
179 | gotas de miel | honeydew |
180 | Rábano picante | horseradish |
181 | caliente | hot |
182 | Pancho | hot dog |
183 | salsa picante | hot sauce |
184 | hummus | hummus |
185 | hambre | hunger |
186 | hambriento | hungry |
187 | hielo | ice |
188 | helado | ice cream |
189 | cucurucho de helado | ice cream cone |
190 | lechuga iceberg | iceberg lettuce |
191 | te helado | iced tea |
192 | Formación de hielo | icing |
193 | yaca | jackfruit |
194 | jalapeño | jalapeño |
195 | mermelada | jam |
196 | gelatina | jelly |
197 | frijolitos confitados | jellybeans |
198 | jícama | jicama |
199 | jimmies | jimmies |
200 | Almendras de Jordania | Jordan almonds |
201 | jarra | jug |
202 | jugo | juice |
203 | juliana | julienne |
204 | comida chatarra | junk food |
205 | col rizada | kale |
206 | brocheta | kebab |
207 | salsa de tomate | ketchup |
208 | tetera | kettle |
209 | maíz de la caldera | kettle corn |
210 | frijoles | kidney beans |
211 | cocina | kitchen |
212 | kiwi | kiwi |
213 | cuchillo | knife |
214 | colinabo | kohlrabi |
215 | naranja china | kumquat |
216 | cucharón | ladle |
217 | Cordero | lamb |
218 | manteca de cerdo | lard |
219 | lasaña | lasagna |
220 | legumbres | legumes |
221 | limón | lemon |
222 | limonada | lemonade |
223 | lentejas | lentils |
224 | lechuga | lettuce |
225 | regaliz | licorice |
226 | habas | lima beans |
227 | Lima | lime |
228 | hígado | liver |
229 | pan | loaf |
230 | langosta | lobster |
231 | chupete | lollipop |
232 | níspero | loquat |
233 | salmón ahumado | lox |
234 | almuerzo | lunch |
235 | caja de almuerzo | lunch box |
236 | carne de almuerzo | lunchmeat |
237 | lychee | lychee |
238 | macarrones | macaroni |
239 | macarrón | macaroon |
240 | plato principal | main course |
241 | maíz | maize |
242 | mandarina | mandarin orange |
243 | mango | mango |
244 | miel de maple | maple syrup |
245 | margarina | margarine |
246 | marionberry | marionberry |
247 | mermelada | marmalade |
248 | malvavisco | marshmallow |
249 | puré de patatas | mashed potatoes |
250 | mayonesa | mayonnaise |
251 | carne | meat |
252 | albóndiga | meatball |
253 | pastel de carne | meatloaf |
254 | melón | melon |
255 | menú | menu |
256 | merengue | meringue |
257 | micronutriente | micronutrient |
258 | Leche | milk |
259 | malteada | milkshake |
260 | mijo | millet |
261 | carne picada | mincemeat |
262 | minerales | minerals |
263 | menta | mint |
264 | mentas | mints |
265 | mochi | mochi |
266 | melaza | molasses |
267 | salsa de mole | mole sauce |
268 | queso Mozzarella | mozzarella |
269 | mollete | muffin |
270 | jarra | mug |
271 | mascar | munch |
272 | seta | mushroom |
273 | mejillones | mussels |
274 | mostaza | mustard |
275 | Hojas de mostaza | mustard greens |
276 | Carne de cordero | mutton |
277 | servilleta | napkin |
278 | néctar | nectar |
279 | nectarina | nectarine |
280 | picar | nibble |
281 | tallarines | noodles |
282 | comida | nosh |
283 | nutrir | nourish |
284 | alimento | nourishment |
285 | nuez | nut |
286 | nuez moscada | nutmeg |
287 | nutritivo | nutrient |
288 | nutrición | nutrition |
289 | nutritivo | nutritious |
290 | harina de avena | oatmeal |
291 | avena | oats |
292 | petróleo | oil |
293 | okra | okra |
294 | oleo | oleo |
295 | aceituna | olive |
296 | tortilla | omelet |
297 | omnívoro | omnivore |
298 | cebolla | onion |
299 | naranja | orange |
300 | orden | order |
301 | orégano | oregano |
302 | horno | oven |
303 | ostra | oyster |
304 | pan | pan |
305 | tortita | pancake |
306 | papaya | papaya |
307 | perejil | parsley |
308 | chirivía | parsnip |
309 | pasta | pasta |
310 | Pastelería | pastry |
311 | coronilla | pate |
312 | empanada | patty |
313 | calabaza pattypan | pattypan squash |
314 | guisante | pea |
315 | vaina de guisante | pea pod |
316 | melocotón | peach |
317 | maní | peanut |
318 | mantequilla de maní | peanut butter |
319 | Pera | pear |
320 | pacana | pecan |
321 | pimienta | pepper |
322 | pepperoni | pepperoni |
323 | caqui | persimmon |
324 | pepinillo | pickle |
325 | picnic | picnic |
326 | tarta | pie |
327 | pilaf | pilaf |
328 | piña | pineapple |
329 | pan de pita | pita bread |
330 | lanzador | pitcher |
331 | Pizza | pizza |
332 | plato | plate |
333 | plato | platter |
334 | ciruela | plum |
335 | escalfado | poached |
336 | granada | pomegranate |
337 | pomelo | pomelo |
338 | popular | pop |
339 | palomitas de maiz | popcorn |
340 | popovers | popovers |
341 | paleta de hielo | popsicle |
342 | Cerdo | pork |
343 | chuletas de cerdo | pork chops |
344 | maceta | pot |
345 | rostizado | pot roast |
346 | patata | potato |
347 | conservas | preserves |
348 | galleta salada | pretzel |
349 | costilla | prime rib |
350 | proteína | protein |
351 | provisiones | provisions |
352 | ciruela pasa | prune |
353 | pudín | pudding |
354 | pan integral de centeno | pumpernickel |
355 | calabaza | pumpkin |
356 | puñetazo | punch |
357 | Quiche | quiche |
358 | quinua | quinoa |
359 | rábano | radish |
360 | pasa | raisin |
361 | frambuesa | raspberry |
362 | raciones | rations |
363 | Ravioles | ravioli |
364 | receta | recipe |
365 | refrescos | refreshments |
366 | refrigerador | refrigerator |
367 | saborear | relish |
368 | restaurante | restaurant |
369 | ruibarbo | rhubarb |
370 | costillas | ribs |
371 | arroz | rice |
372 | asado | roast |
Whenever a friend has you over for dinner, when you go out to eat, or when you shop at the market, it would be helpful to know some common Spanish words for food descriptions. It’s important to know how to talk about where the food comes from, how it is prepared, and how enjoyable it is to eat. Common descriptions for food involve how the food tastes, but the taste isn’t the only thing that matters.
Top Spanish words for food
Words for describing Food Origin
Most of us talk about the origins of food:
- Denominación de Origen means designation of origin and is used to certify that food came from a specific region.
- De temporada means the food is in season, refers to when the food was harvested, and can be helpful when shopping at the market.
- Ecológico means the food is organic. Orgánico is another word for describing food grown in an environmentally-friendly way.
- Transgénico means the food is genetically-modified or altered by humans.
- Vendimia means vintage and refers specifically to the quality of wine.
Words for How Food is Prepared
The following Spanish words for food are verbs, meaning they’ll need to be conjugated or turned into a noun:
- Aliñar means to dress, and el aliño is the noun form meaning the dressing.
- Fundir means to melt and is used to describe when ingredients are purposefully melted. Naturally melting foods like ice cream are described using the verb derretir.
- Machacar means to crush.
- Rebozar means to batter-dip, bread, and fry.
- Salpinmentar means to season with salt and pepper.
- Untar means to spread, as with butter.
Description Words for Enjoying Food
Some words are used to describe how enjoyable food is:
- Paladar is used to describe someone’s palate. Use the phrase un buen paladar to compliment someone on their appreciation for foods or flavors.
- Pinta is used to describe the aspect or appearance of foods.
- Surtido is used to describe the variety or assortment of foods.
Words for Good Tasting Food
Cata and degustación means tasting. You could also use the verb probar which means to try. Some Spanish words for food are compliments:
- Bien means good.
- Jugoso means juicy.
- Sabroso means tasty.
- Rico means yummy.
- Exquisito means exquisite.
The conjugated verb está, meaning it is, is followed by the adjectives listed above and below. En su punto is a phrase meaning the food is cooked to perfection and is more of a compliment than simply claiming that the food tastes good.
Words for Bad Tasting Food
Other Spanish words for food are complaints:
- Seco means dry.
- Soso means bland or tasteless.
- Grasiento means greasy or oily.
- Mal means bad.
- Empalagoso means sickly sweet.
- Horrible means horrible.
Other Ways to Describe Food
Some words for food can be more specific. The context determines the intent of the critic:
- Dulce means sweet.
- Agrio means sour.
- Salada means salty.
- Amargo means bitter.
- Templado means warm and can be a compliment or a complaint.
Contundente means heavy or overwhelming and can be used to compliment or criticize.