Here you will find the top Spanish words that come from Arabic.
Number | Arabic | Spanish | in English |
1 | زمن | hora | time |
2 | عام | año | year |
3 | اشخاص | personas | people |
4 | الطريق | camino | way |
5 | يوم | día | day |
6 | رجل | hombre | man |
7 | شيء | cosa | thing |
8 | النساء | mujer | woman |
9 | الحياة | vida | life |
10 | طفل | niño | child |
11 | العالمية | mundo | world |
12 | مدرسة | colegio | school |
13 | حالة | estado | state |
14 | أسرة | familia | family |
15 | طالب علم | estudiante | student |
16 | مجموعة | grupo | group |
17 | بلد | país | country |
18 | مشكلة | problema | problem |
19 | كف | mano | hand |
20 | جزء | parte | part |
21 | مكان | sitio | place |
22 | قضية | caso | case |
23 | أسبوع | semana | week |
24 | شركة | empresa | company |
25 | النظام | sistema | system |
26 | برنامج | programa | program |
27 | سؤال | pregunta | question |
28 | عمل | trabajo | work |
29 | حكومة | gobierno | government |
30 | رقم | número | number |
31 | ليل | noche | night |
32 | نقطة | punto | point |
33 | الصفحة الرئيسية | casa | home |
34 | ماء | agua | water |
35 | غرفة | habitación | room |
36 | أم | madre | mother |
37 | منطقة | zona | area |
38 | مال | dinero | money |
39 | قصة | historia | story |
40 | حقيقة | hecho | fact |
41 | شهر | mes | month |
42 | كثيرا | lote | lot |
43 | حق | derecho | right |
44 | دراسة | estudiar | study |
45 | كتاب | libro | book |
46 | عين | ojo | eye |
47 | مهنة | trabajo | job |
48 | كلمة | palabra | word |
49 | اعمال | negocio | business |
50 | القضية | problema | issue |
51 | جانب | lado | side |
52 | طيب القلب | tipo | kind |
53 | رئيس | cabeza | head |
54 | منزل | casa | house |
55 | الخدمات | Servicio | service |
56 | صديق | amigo | friend |
57 | الآب | padre | father |
58 | قوة | poder | power |
59 | ساعة | hora | hour |
60 | لعبه | juego | game |
61 | خط | línea | line |
62 | النهاية | fin | end |
63 | عضو | miembro | member |
64 | القانون | ley | law |
65 | سيارة | coche | car |
66 | مدينة | ciudad | city |
67 | تواصل اجتماعي | comunidad | community |
68 | اسم | nombre | name |
69 | رئيس | presidente | president |
70 | الفريق | equipo | team |
71 | دقيقة | minuto | minute |
72 | فكرة | idea | idea |
73 | طفل | niño | kid |
74 | الجسم | cuerpo | body |
75 | معلومات | información | information |
76 | عودة | espalda | back |
77 | الأبوين | padre | parent |
78 | وجه | cara | face |
79 | الآخرين | otros | others |
80 | مستوى | nivel | level |
81 | مكتب. مقر. مركز | oficina | office |
82 | باب | puerta | door |
83 | الصحة | salud | health |
84 | شخص | persona | person |
85 | فن | Arte | art |
86 | حرب | guerra | war |
87 | التاريخ | historia | history |
88 | حفل | fiesta | party |
89 | نتيجة | resultado | result |
90 | يتغيرون | cambio | change |
91 | صباح | Mañana | morning |
92 | السبب | razón | reason |
93 | ابحاث | investigación | research |
94 | فتاة | niña | girl |
95 | شاب | chico | guy |
96 | لحظة | momento | moment |
97 | الهواء | aire | air |
98 | مدرس | profesor | teacher |
99 | فرض | fuerza | force |
100 | التعليم | educación | education |
Did you know that there are a lot of Spanish words from arabic? In fact, the Spanish language goes back at least 8,000 years. The language that has left its mark more than any other besides Latin is: Arabic.
During the days of the Roman Empire, when the Iberian Peninsula was under the rule of the Caesars, Iberians spoke a dialect of Latin. When the Western world fell into the so-called Dark Ages, much of its knowledge, including that of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, was preserved by the Arabs through Arabic translations.
This is how Arabic was permanently infused into the Greek and Latin languages. From there, it was passed on to the Iberian language.
The Spanish heritage
How Iberia changed it’s name to Spain
Here’s how taking on foreign words even caused the name “Iberia” to change to “Spain:”
When Carthaginian soldiers arrived on the peninsula in the fifth century BC, they discovered rabbits everywhere. There were so many that they covered even the landing where the ships pulled up to shore. The soldiers yelled, Span (rabbits)!
From then on, the Romans referred to the peninsula both as Iberia and Hispania.
Once the Roman Empire fell, Hispania took its Castilian (Spanish) form: España.
The moors
When Muslim Berbers (AKA the Moors) crossed the Mediterranean and invaded Iberia in 711 AD from Mauritania, this began a full-scale influx of Arabic into the language. It covered every aspect of life: from religion; to literature; to science and mathematics; to the arts, to cuisine and more. Arabic ran deep into the Spanish language and culture for the next 286 years, creating all kinds of Spanish words from Arabic.
The legacy of Spanish words from arabic
Surprisingly, over 8,000 Spanish words from Arabic are still in the Spanish language today.
Take, for example the following words identifying food:
- Lemon (Arabic: laymun/Spanish: limon)
- Sugar (Arabic: asukkar/Spanish: azucar)
- Saffron (Arabic: zafran/Spanish: azafrin)
- Rice (Arabic: ‘arz/Spanish: arroz)
- Oil (Arabic: zeit/Spanish: aceite)
Place names
Ironically, despite the Spaniards’ staunch loyalty to and pride in Catholicism, it was the Muslim religion that was responsible for the appearance of many Spanish words from Arabic as place names:
- qat-al-Ayyub – the fort of Ayyub
- majri – a breeze
- al qantarah – the bridge
- al-andalus – the vandals
Everyday words
- Spanish hasta – Arabic hata (even, until)
- Spanish almohada – Arabic al-mujjada (pillow)
- Spanish algebra – Arabic al-jebr(algebra)
- Spanish alkali – Alkali (something alkaline)
- Spanish alcalde (mayor)
- Spanish azul – Arabic azur (blue)
And so forth…
As you can see, many of these words have become so much a part of the Spanish language that we don’t even think about it. So, you now have a flavor of the creation of Spanish words from Arabic.