This is a list of the 1,000 most commonly spoken Zulu words. Learn english to zulu words and their meaning.
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1000 Most Common Zulu Words
Embarking on the journey of language learning opens a world of diversity and cultural richness. When delving into the rhythmic structure of Swahili, one uncovers a linguistic tapestry woven through East Africa. Meanwhile, the melodic flow of Portuguese, spanning from Europe to South America, offers a different spectrum of expression. The intricate grammar of Dutch contrasts with the tonal nuances of Zulu, each presenting unique learning adventures. The Asian languages, with the scriptural beauty of Sinhala, the linguistic depth of Telugu, and the expressive richness of Punjabi, offer a contrast to the poetic complexity of Arabic, making each language a unique key to unlocking new horizons.
Number | Zulu | in English |
1 | njengoba | as |
2 | I | I |
3 | wakhe | his |
4 | ukuthi | that |
5 | yena | he |
6 | kwaba | was |
7 | ngoba | for |
8 | on | on |
9 | kukhona | are |
10 | nge | with |
11 | bona | they |
12 | kube | be |
13 | at | at |
14 | eyodwa | one |
15 | abe | have |
16 | le | this |
17 | kusuka | from |
18 | by | by |
19 | esishisayo | hot |
20 | igama | word |
21 | kodwana | but |
22 | lokho | what |
23 | Kwezinye | some |
24 | kuyinto | is |
25 | it | it |
26 | wena | you |
27 | noma | or |
28 | kwadingeka | had |
29 | lo | the |
30 | of | of |
31 | kuya | to |
32 | futhi | and |
33 | a | a |
34 | in | in |
35 | thina | we |
36 | okusemandleni | can |
37 | ukuphuma | out |
38 | ezinye | other |
39 | babengamadoda | were |
40 | okuyinto | which |
41 | enza | do |
42 | yabo | their |
43 | nesikhathi | time |
44 | uma | if |
45 | kuthanda | will |
46 | indlela | how |
47 | uthe | said |
48 | an | an |
49 | ngamunye | each |
50 | ukutshela | tell |
51 | enza | does |
52 | setha | set |
53 | amathathu | three |
54 | bafuna | want |
55 | air | air |
56 | kahle | well |
57 | futhi | also |
58 | udlale | play |
59 | amancane | small |
60 | Ukuphela | end |
61 | abeke | put |
62 | Ikhaya | home |
63 | funda | read |
64 | Isandla | hand |
65 | echwebeni | port |
66 | ende | large |
67 | luzosho | spell |
68 | ukwengeza | add |
69 | yebo | even |
70 | Izwe | land |
71 | lapha | here |
72 | kumele | must |
73 | enkulu | big |
74 | high | high |
75 | enjalo | such |
76 | ukulandela | follow |
77 | isenzo | act |
78 | kungani | why |
79 | cela | ask |
80 | amadoda | men |
81 | ushintsho | change |
82 | waya | went |
83 | Ukukhanya | light |
84 | uhlobo | kind |
85 | off | off |
86 | badinga | need |
87 | indlu | house |
88 | yendaba | picture |
89 | sizame | try |
90 | nathi | us |
91 | futhi | again |
92 | animal | animal |
93 | phuzu | point |
94 | umama | mother |
95 | umhlaba | world |
96 | tsini | near |
97 | ukwakha | build |
98 | wokuzilimaza | self |
99 | emhlabeni | earth |
100 | Ubaba | father |
101 | yisiphi | any |
102 | omusha | new |
103 | Umsebenzi | work |
104 | okuyingxenye | part |
105 | kuthathe | take |
106 | uthole | get |
107 | indawo | place |
108 | ezenziwe | made |
109 | siphile | live |
110 | lapho | where |
111 | emva | after |
112 | back | back |
113 | kancane | little |
114 | kodwa | only |
115 | nxazonke | round |
116 | man | man |
117 | ngonyaka | year |
118 | weza | came |
119 | bonisa | show |
120 | njalo | every |
121 | okuhle | good |
122 | me | me |
123 | pha | give |
124 | ethu | our |
125 | ngaphansi | under |
126 | Igama | name |
127 | kakhulu | very |
128 | ngokusebenzisa | through |
129 | nje | just |
130 | ifomu | form |
131 | uhlamvu | sentence |
132 | okukhulu | great |
133 | acabange | think |
134 | bathi | say |
135 | usize | help |
136 | ongaphakeme | low |
137 | line | line |
138 | ihluke | differ |
139 | baphendukela | turn |
140 | kwesizathu | cause |
141 | okuningi | much |
142 | asho | mean |
143 | ngaphambi | before |
144 | ukuthutha | move |
145 | kwesokudla | right |
146 | mfana | boy |
147 | endala | old |
148 | futhi | too |
149 | efanayo | same |
150 | yena | she |
151 | konke | all |
152 | khona | there |
153 | lapho | when |
154 | up | up |
155 | ukusetshenziswa | use |
156 | sakho | your |
157 | Indlela | way |
158 | mayelana | about |
159 | abaningi | many |
160 | ke | then |
161 | nabo | them |
162 | ukubhala | write |
163 | belungafica | would |
164 | like | like |
165 | kanjalo | so |
166 | la | these |
167 | wakhe | her |
168 | eside | long |
169 | ukwenza | make |
170 | Into | thing |
171 | bheka | see |
172 | naye | him |
173 | ezimbili | two |
174 | ine | has |
175 | bhekani | look |
176 | ngaphezulu | more |
177 | Usuku | day |
178 | okusemandleni | could |
179 | hamba | go |
180 | uze | come |
181 | wenza | did |
182 | Inombolo | number |
183 | kuzwakale | sound |
184 | akukho | no |
185 | iningi | most |
186 | Abantu | people |
187 | yami | my |
188 | phezu | over |
189 | bazi | know |
190 | kwamanzi | water |
191 | kunalokho | than |
192 | call | call |
193 | okokuqala | first |
194 | ngubani | who |
195 | may | may |
196 | phasi | down |
197 | side | side |
198 | kwaba | been |
199 | Manje | now |
200 | thola | find |
201 | Ikhanda | head |
202 | nime | stand |
203 | siqu | own |
204 | page | page |
205 | kufanele | should |
206 | izwe | country |
207 | wathola | found |
208 | Impendulo | answer |
209 | esikoleni | school |
210 | ukhule | grow |
211 | Ukutadisha | study |
212 | namanje | still |
213 | ufunde | learn |
214 | plant | plant |
215 | embesa | cover |
216 | ngokudla | food |
217 | sun | sun |
218 | ezine | four |
219 | emkhatsini | between |
220 | isimo | state |
221 | qhubeka | keep |
222 | iso | eye |
223 | bonaze | never |
224 | okokugcina | last |
225 | ake | let |
226 | bacabanga | thought |
227 | dolobha | city |
228 | isihlahla | tree |
229 | ukuwela | cross |
230 | ipulazi | farm |
231 | kanzima | hard |
232 | isiqalo | start |
233 | izikhwepha | might |
234 | Indaba | story |
235 | okwabonwa | saw |
236 | le | far |
237 | ulwandle | sea |
238 | udwebe | draw |
239 | kwesokunxele | left |
240 | sekwephuzile | late |
241 | sigijime | run |
242 | ungenzi | don’t |
243 | ngenkathi | while |
244 | cindezela | press |
245 | ngokuminyanisa | close |
246 | ebusuku | night |
247 | kwangempela | real |
248 | kuphila | life |
249 | ambalwa | few |
250 | enyakatho | north |
251 | Incwadi | book |
252 | athwale | carry |
253 | wathatha | took |
254 | isayensi | science |
255 | udle | eat |
256 | Igumbi | room |
257 | umngani | friend |
258 | waqala | began |
259 | umqondo | idea |
260 | izinhlanzi | fish |
261 | ntaba | mountain |
262 | ima | stop |
263 | kanye | once |
264 | isiza | base |
265 | zwa | hear |
266 | ihhashi | horse |
267 | ukusika | cut |
268 | isiqiniseko | sure |
269 | qaphela | watch |
270 | Umbala | color |
271 | Ubuso | face |
272 | izinkuni | wood |
273 | eziyinhloko | main |
274 | evulekile | open |
275 | babonakala | seem |
276 | ndawonye | together |
277 | olandelayo | next |
278 | elimhlophe | white |
279 | izingane | children |
280 | uqale | begin |
281 | wavuka | got |
282 | uhambe | walk |
283 | Isibonelo | example |
284 | ekudambiseni | ease |
285 | ephepheni | paper |
286 | iqoqo | group |
287 | njalo | always |
288 | umculo | music |
289 | nalabo | those |
290 | kokubili | both |
291 | uphawu | mark |
292 | ngokuvamile | often |
293 | incwadi | letter |
294 | kuze | until |
295 | lwamakhilomitha | mile |
296 | emfuleni | river |
297 | Imoto | car |
298 | izinyawo | feet |
299 | ukunakekelwa | care |
300 | kwesibili | second |
301 | ngokwanele | enough |
302 | ithafa | plain |
303 | ntombazane | girl |
304 | evamile | usual |
305 | young | young |
306 | ngomumo | ready |
307 | ngenhla | above |
308 | njalo | ever |
309 | obomvu | red |
310 | Uhlu | list |
311 | noma | though |
312 | bazizwa | feel |
313 | inkulumo | talk |
314 | nyoni | bird |
315 | Ngokushesha | soon |
316 | Umzimba | body |
317 | inja | dog |
318 | umndeni | family |
319 | ngqo | direct |
320 | abalona | pose |
321 | ushiye | leave |
322 | song | song |
323 | ukulinganisa | measure |
324 | Umnyango | door |
325 | umkhiqizo | product |
326 | omnyama | black |
327 | okufutshane | short |
328 | inani | numeral |
329 | ikilasi | class |
330 | ovunguzayo | wind |
331 | Umbuzo | question |
332 | kwenzeke | happen |
333 | kuqedile | complete |
334 | Umkhumbi | ship |
335 | indawo | area |
336 | isigamu | half |
337 | idwala | rock |
338 | oda | order |
339 | umlilo | fire |
340 | eningizimu | south |
341 | Inkinga | problem |
342 | ucezu | piece |
343 | utshele | told |
344 | wayazi | knew |
345 | Kudlula | pass |
346 | kusukela | since |
347 | phezulu | top |
348 | wonke | whole |
349 | inkosi | king |
350 | isitaladi | street |
351 | ngamasentimitha | inch |
352 | phindaphinda | multiply |
353 | lutho | nothing |
354 | inkambo | course |
355 | uhlale | stay |
356 | sondo | wheel |
357 | egcwele | full |
358 | isicindezelo | force |
359 | eluhlaza | blue |
360 | intfo | object |
361 | unqume | decide |
362 | ngaphandle | surface |
363 | ezijulile | deep |
364 | inyanga | moon |
365 | esiqhingini | island |
366 | ngezinyawo | foot |
367 | uhlelo | system |
368 | umatasa | busy |
369 | ukulinga | test |
370 | amarekhodi | record |
371 | Isikebhe | boat |
372 | ezivamile | common |
373 | igolide | gold |
374 | kunokwenzeka | possible |
375 | indiza | plane |
376 | esikhundleni | stead |
377 | eyomile | dry |
378 | bayazibuza | wonder |
379 | uhleko | laugh |
380 | abayizinkulungwane | thousand |
381 | edlule | ago |
382 | wagijimela | ran |
383 | hlola | check |
384 | mdlalo | game |
385 | uhlobo | shape |
386 | bathi | equate |
387 | ashisayo | hot |
388 | miss | miss |
389 | baletha | brought |
390 | ukushisa | heat |
391 | iqhwa | snow |
392 | isondo | tire |
393 | ukuletha | bring |
394 | Yebo | yes |
395 | ezikude | distant |
396 | ukugcwalisa | fill |
397 | empumalanga | east |
398 | ukupenda | paint |
399 | lulwimi | language |
400 | phakathi | among |
401 | unit | unit |
402 | Amandla | power |
403 | town | town |
404 | emihle | fine |
405 | ezithile | certain |
406 | ijeka manzi | fly |
407 | awe | fall |
408 | kuholele | lead |
409 | khala | cry |
410 | amnyama | dark |
411 | umshini | machine |
412 | inothi | note |
413 | ulinde | wait |
414 | hlela | plan |
415 | ukulinganisa | figure |
416 | ikhwezi | star |
417 | ibhokisi | box |
418 | ibizo | noun |
419 | ifusi | field |
420 | ukuphumula | rest |
421 | lobenele | correct |
422 | ekwazi | able |
423 | Ipondo | pound |
424 | wenziwe | done |
425 | ubuhle | beauty |
426 | qhuba | drive |
427 | wema | stood |
428 | aqukethe | contain |
429 | phambili | front |
430 | sifundise | teach |
431 | ngesonto | week |
432 | sokugcina | final |
433 | wanikela | gave |
434 | oluhlaza | green |
435 | Awu | oh |
436 | okusheshayo | quick |
437 | ukuthuthukisa | develop |
438 | ulwandle olukhulu | ocean |
439 | afudumele | warm |
440 | khulula | free |
441 | ngeminithi | minute |
442 | oqinile | strong |
443 | ekhethekile | special |
444 | kwengqondo | mind |
445 | ngemuva | behind |
446 | ecacile | clear |
447 | umsila | tail |
448 | khiqiza | produce |
449 | Empeleni | fact |
450 | isikhala | space |
451 | wezwa | heard |
452 | umhlabeleli | best |
453 | ngehora | hour |
454 | kangcono | better |
455 | kuyiqiniso | true |
456 | ngesikhatsi | during |
457 | angamakhulu | hundred |
458 | ezinhlanu | five |
459 | ukhumbule | remember |
460 | Isinyathelo | step |
461 | zakuqala | early |
462 | ubambe | hold |
463 | ngasentshonalanga | west |
464 | emhlabathini | ground |
465 | Isithakazelo | interest |
466 | afinyelele | reach |
467 | bambelela | fast |
468 | sento | verb |
469 | sihlabelele | sing |
470 | ulalele | listen |
471 | eziyisithupha | six |
472 | ithebula | table |
473 | hamba amazwe | travel |
474 | esingaphansi | less |
475 | Ekuseni | morning |
476 | eziyishumi | ten |
477 | elula | simple |
478 | eziningana | several |
479 | unkamisa | vowel |
480 | bubheke | toward |
481 | ukulwa | war |
482 | walala | lay |
483 | ngokumelene | against |
484 | iphethini | pattern |
485 | wephuza | slow |
486 | isikhungo | center |
487 | athande | love |
488 | Umuntu | person |
489 | imali | money |
490 | ukukhonza | serve |
491 | avele | appear |
492 | umgwaqo | road |
493 | ibalazwe | map |
494 | nemvula | rain |
495 | ukubusa | rule |
496 | phatha | govern |
497 | donsa | pull |
498 | ezibandayo | cold |
499 | Isaziso | notice |
500 | ngezwi | voice |
501 | amandla | energy |
502 | ukuhlasela | hunt |
503 | kungenzeka | probable |
504 | embhedeni | bed |
505 | umfowabo | brother |
506 | iqanda | egg |
507 | gibela | ride |
508 | iseli | cell |
509 | bakholwe | believe |
510 | mhlawumbe | perhaps |
511 | vuna | pick |
512 | engazelelwe | sudden |
513 | ukubala | count |
514 | igceke | square |
515 | Isizathu | reason |
516 | Ubude | length |
517 | bamele | represent |
518 | yobuciko | art |
519 | isihloko | subject |
520 | isifunda | region |
521 | Usayizi | size |
522 | ziyehluka | vary |
523 | hlela | settle |
524 | ukhulume | speak |
525 | isisindo | weight |
526 | jikelele | general |
527 | iqhwa | ice |
528 | udaba | matter |
529 | jikeleza | circle |
530 | okubili | pair |
531 | zihlanganisa | include |
532 | ahlukanisa | divide |
533 | uhlamvu | syllable |
534 | wazizwa | felt |
535 | omkhulu | grand |
536 | ngebhola | ball |
537 | nokho | yet |
538 | qhweba | wave |
539 | yokwehlisela | drop |
540 | Inhliziyo | heart |
541 | ngiyindlela | am |
542 | okwamanje | present |
543 | esindayo | heavy |
544 | dance | dance |
545 | injini | engine |
546 | isikhundla | position |
547 | ingalo | arm |
548 | ububanzi | wide |
549 | useyili | sail |
550 | material | material |
551 | ingxenyenamba | fraction |
552 | ihlathi | forest |
553 | ahlale | sit |
554 | uhlanga | race |
555 | iwindi | window |
556 | esitolo | store |
557 | ehlobo | summer |
558 | isitimela | train |
559 | sokulala | sleep |
560 | afakazele | prove |
561 | oyedwa waba | lone |
562 | emlenzeni | leg |
563 | umsebenzi | exercise |
564 | Udonga | wall |
565 | bamba | catch |
566 | khweza | mount |
567 | ufisa | wish |
568 | isibhakabhaka | sky |
569 | ebhodini | board |
570 | injabulo | joy |
571 | ubusika | winter |
572 | Wahlala | sat |
573 | ebhaliwe | written |
574 | sasendle | wild |
575 | instrument | instrument |
576 | igcinwe | kept |
577 | ingilazi | glass |
578 | utshani | grass |
579 | eyensikazi | cow |
580 | Umsebenzi | job |
581 | emaphethelweni | edge |
582 | isibonakaliso | sign |
583 | ukuvakasha | visit |
584 | esidlule | past |
585 | esithambile | soft |
586 | kumnandi | fun |
587 | egqamile | bright |
588 | negesi | gas |
589 | sezulu | weather |
590 | ngenyanga | month |
591 | isigidi | million |
592 | athwale | bear |
593 | sekugcineni | finish |
594 | ojabulayo | happy |
595 | Ngethemba | hope |
596 | mbali | flower |
597 | wembathise | clothe |
598 | ongaziwa | strange |
599 | esehambile | gone |
600 | ezohwebo | trade |
601 | Ihubo | melody |
602 | uhambo | trip |
603 | Ihhovisi | office |
604 | thola | receive |
605 | irowu | row |
606 | Umlomo | mouth |
607 | oluqondile | exact |
608 | uphawu | symbol |
609 | fa | die |
610 | okungenani | least |
611 | enkingeni | trouble |
612 | memeza | shout |
613 | kuphela | except |
614 | wabhala | wrote |
615 | inzalo | seed |
616 | umbala | tone |
617 | ukujoyina | join |
618 | basikisela | suggest |
619 | zihlanzekile | clean |
620 | ukwephuka | break |
621 | inenekazi | lady |
622 | egcekeni | yard |
623 | sukuma | rise |
624 | okubi | bad |
625 | igalelo | blow |
626 | uwoyela | oil |
627 | negazi | blood |
628 | uthinte | touch |
629 | lakhula | grew |
630 | angu | cent |
631 | xuba | mix |
632 | ithimba | team |
633 | ucingo | wire |
634 | Izindleko | cost |
635 | walahlekelwa | lost |
636 | onsundu | brown |
637 | bagqoke | wear |
638 | yensimu | garden |
639 | alinganayo | equal |
640 | wathumela | sent |
641 | akhethe | choose |
642 | bawa | fell |
643 | linganisa | fit |
644 | kopoza | flow |
645 | ukujabulisa | fair |
646 | ebhange | bank |
647 | ukuqoqa | collect |
648 | ukusindisa | save |
649 | amandla okuphatha | control |
650 | zamadesimali | decimal |
651 | indlebe | ear |
652 | futhi | else |
653 | ngempela | quite |
654 | waphula | broke |
655 | Icala | case |
656 | maphakathi | middle |
657 | babulale | kill |
658 | indodana | son |
659 | ichweba | lake |
660 | mzuzu | moment |
661 | isikali | scale |
662 | elikhulu | loud |
663 | entwasahlobo | spring |
664 | bona | observe |
665 | Ingane | child |
666 | iqonde | straight |
667 | lehamba | consonant |
668 | Isizwe | nation |
669 | isichazamazwi | dictionary |
670 | ubisi | milk |
671 | isivinini | speed |
672 | indlela | method |
673 | sitho | organ |
674 | ukhokhe | pay |
675 | yobudala | age |
676 | ingxenye | section |
677 | ingubo | dress |
678 | ifu | cloud |
679 | Ngamangala | surprise |
680 | onokuthula | quiet |
681 | tshe | stone |
682 | omncanyana | tiny |
683 | enyuka | climb |
684 | abandayo | cool |
685 | songoza | design |
686 | abampofu | poor |
687 | uquqaba | lot |
688 | lokulinga | experiment |
689 | ngezansi | bottom |
690 | isikhiye | key |
691 | nensimbi | iron |
692 | ongashadile | single |
693 | uthi | stick |
694 | ifulathi | flat |
695 | amabili | twenty |
696 | isikhumba | skin |
697 | emomotheka | smile |
698 | dile | crease |
699 | emgodini | hole |
700 | eqa | jump |
701 | umntwana | baby |
702 | eziyisishiyagalombili | eight |
703 | emzaneni | village |
704 | hlangana | meet |
705 | impande | root |
706 | thenga | buy |
707 | iphakamisa | raise |
708 | ukuxazulula | solve |
709 | sensimbi | metal |
710 | noma | whether |
711 | phusha | push |
712 | eziyisikhombisa | seven |
713 | indzima | paragraph |
714 | okwesithathu | third |
715 | kufanele | shall |
716 | owawuzoba | held |
717 | izinwele | hair |
718 | uchaze | describe |
719 | umpheki | cook |
720 | phansi | floor |
721 | noma | either |
722 | japan | result |
723 | bashise | burn |
724 | igquma | hill |
725 | ephephile | safe |
726 | likati | cat |
727 | leminyaka | century |
728 | cabangela | consider |
729 | Uhlobo | type |
730 | umthetho | law |
731 | ihhashi | bit |
732 | ugu | coast |
733 | Ikhophi | copy |
734 | isisho | phrase |
735 | buthule | silent |
736 | abade | tall |
737 | isihlabathi | sand |
738 | Inhlabathi | soil |
739 | qoqa | roll |
740 | lokushisa | temperature |
741 | ngomunwe | finger |
742 | Imboni | industry |
743 | azisa | value |
744 | impi | fight |
745 | manga | lie |
746 | bhula | beat |
747 | ethusa | excite |
748 | natural | natural |
749 | buka | view |
750 | ngomqondo | sense |
751 | komkhulu | capital |
752 | ngeke | won’t |
753 | isitulo | chair |
754 | ingozi | danger |
755 | izithelo | fruit |
756 | ocebile | rich |
757 | aminyene | thick |
758 | sosha | soldier |
759 | inqubo | process |
760 | sebenzisa | operate |
761 | Umkhuba | practice |
762 | ahlukene | separate |
763 | nzima | difficult |
764 | Udokotela | doctor |
765 | sicela | please |
766 | ukuvikela | protect |
767 | emini | noon |
768 | isitshalo | crop |
769 | yesimanje | modern |
770 | isici | element |
771 | shaya | hit |
772 | ofundayo | student |
773 | ekhoneni | corner |
774 | inhlangano | party |
775 | phakela | supply |
776 | ogama | whose |
777 | thola | locate |
778 | nkeneza | ring |
779 | uhlamvu | character |
780 | kwezinambuzane | insect |
781 | babanjwa | caught |
782 | isikhathi | period |
783 | khombisa | indicate |
784 | umsakazo | radio |
785 | wakhuluma | spoke |
786 | athomu | atom |
787 | womuntu | human |
788 | Umlando | history |
789 | umphumela | effect |
790 | electric | electric |
791 | bheka | expect |
792 | amathambo | bone |
793 | ujantshi | rail |
794 | imagine | imagine |
795 | ukuhlinzeka | provide |
796 | uvume | agree |
797 | Kanjalo | thus |
798 | mnene | gentle |
799 | owesifazane | woman |
800 | ukaputeni | captain |
801 | ukuqagela | guess |
802 | kunesidingo | necessary |
803 | ebukhali | sharp |
804 | iphiko | wing |
805 | ukudala | create |
806 | umakhelwane | neighbor |
807 | ukuhlamba | wash |
808 | nelulwane | bat |
809 | kunalokho | rather |
810 | Isixuku | crowd |
811 | ukolweni | corn |
812 | qhathanisa | compare |
813 | inkondlo | poem |
814 | intambo | string |
815 | insimbi | bell |
816 | bathembele | depend |
817 | Inyama | meat |
818 | deda | rub |
819 | umbhobho | tube |
820 | esidumile | famous |
921 | izindodla zemali | dollar |
822 | emfudlaneni | stream |
823 | kwesaba | fear |
284 | ukubuka | sight |
825 | mncane | thin |
826 | calantsatfu | triangle |
827 | iplanethi | planet |
828 | shesha | hurry |
829 | abakhulu | chief |
830 | koloni | colony |
831 | washi | clock |
832 | emayini | mine |
833 | ukulingana | tie |
834 | faka | enter |
835 | ezinkulu | major |
836 | opholile | fresh |
837 | cinga | search |
838 | thumela | send |
839 | ophuzi | yellow |
840 | isibhamu | gun |
841 | uvumele | allow |
842 | ukubhala | |
843 | efile | dead |
844 | indawo | spot |
845 | hlamuka | desert |
846 | izembatho | suit |
847 | yamanje | current |
848 | baphakamisa | lift |
840 | wasukuma | rose |
850 | finyelela | arrive |
851 | induna | master |
852 | ithrekhi | track |
853 | umzali | parent |
854 | isisekelo | shore |
855 | ukuhlukana | division |
856 | ishidi | sheet |
857 | isiqa | substance |
858 | siza | favor |
859 | xhuma | connect |
860 | post | post |
861 | khipha | spend |
862 | kuzithinta | chord |
863 | inoni | fat |
864 | ithokoze | glad |
865 | sokuqala | original |
866 | ingxenye | share |
867 | esiteshini | station |
868 | ubaba | dad |
869 | isinkwa | bread |
870 | gcwalisa | charge |
871 | efanele | proper |
872 | ibha | bar |
873 | umnikelo | offer |
874 | ingxenye | segment |
875 | nceku | slave |
876 | idada | duck |
877 | osheshayo | instant |
878 | indali | market |
879 | ibanga | degree |
880 | populate | populate |
881 | iphuphu | chick |
882 | othandekayo | dear |
883 | isitha | enemy |
884 | phendula | reply |
885 | isiphuzo | drink |
886 | zenzeka | occur |
887 | ukwesekwa | support |
888 | Inkulumo | speech |
889 | isidalo | nature |
890 | uhla | range |
891 | umusi | steam |
892 | ukunyakaza | motion |
893 | indlela | path |
894 | uketshezi | liquid |
895 | ugongolo | log |
896 | wayesho | meant |
897 | sekwa | quotient |
898 | amazinyo | teeth |
899 | igobolondo le | shell |
900 | intamo | neck |
901 | oksijini | oxygen |
902 | ushukela | sugar |
903 | Ukufa | death |
904 | muhle | pretty |
905 | ikhono | skill |
906 | abesifazane | women |
907 | isizini | season |
908 | isixazululo | solution |
909 | uzibuthe | magnet |
910 | zesiliva | silver |
911 | ngiyabonga | thank |
912 | Igatsha | branch |
913 | nomdlalo | match |
914 | Isijobelelo | suffix |
915 | ikakhulukazi | especially |
916 | komkhiwane | fig |
917 | ngesaba | afraid |
918 | omkhulu | huge |
919 | udadewabo | sister |
920 | zensimbi | steel |
921 | uxoxe | discuss |
922 | phambili | forward |
923 | efanayo | similar |
924 | umholi | guide |
925 | isipiliyoni | experience |
926 | isikolo | score |
927 | apula | apple |
928 | uthenge | bought |
929 | wahola | led |
930 | iphimbo | pitch |
931 | isikhumba | coat |
932 | isonto | mass |
933 | ikhadi | card |
934 | ibhande | band |
935 | ngentambo | rope |
936 | ukushelela | slip |
937 | ukuphumelela | win |
938 | baphuphe | dream |
939 | ukuhlwa | evening |
940 | isimo | condition |
941 | funga | feed |
942 | Ithuluzi | tool |
943 | inani | total |
944 | eziyisisekelo | basic |
945 | iphunga | smell |
946 | isigodi | valley |
947 | noma | nor |
948 | kabili | double |
949 | esihlalweni | seat |
950 | uqhubeke | continue |
951 | isixa | block |
952 | ishadi | chart |
953 | imbenge | hat |
954 | adayise | sell |
955 | Impumelelo | success |
956 | yenkampani | company |
957 | khipha | subtract |
958 | umcimbi | event |
959 | ethile | particular |
960 | intengo | deal |
961 | bhukuda | swim |
962 | ithemu | term |
963 | obuhlukile | opposite |
964 | umkakho | wife |
965 | izicathulo | shoe |
966 | ehlombe | shoulder |
967 | ukusabalala | spread |
968 | ukuhlela | arrange |
969 | ikamu | camp |
970 | usungula | invent |
971 | ukotini | cotton |
972 | Uzalelwa | born |
973 | linqume | determine |
974 | ayilitha | quart |
975 | eyisishiyagalolunye | nine |
976 | iloli | truck |
977 | ngomsindo | noise |
978 | Izinga | level |
979 | chance | chance |
980 | hlangana | gather |
981 | esitolo | shop |
982 | elula | stretch |
983 | aphonse | throw |
984 | inkazimulo | shine |
985 | impahla | property |
986 | ikholomu | column |
987 | ingqamuzana | molecule |
988 | ukhethe | select |
989 | okungalungile | wrong |
990 | ezimpunga | gray |
991 | uphinda | repeat |
992 | adinga | require |
993 | ebanzi | broad |
994 | ukulungiselela | prepare |
995 | usawoti | salt |
996 | impumulo | nose |
997 | ubuningi | plural |
998 | intukuthelo | anger |
999 | Faka isicelo | claim |
1000 | izwekazi | continent |
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